Názov:A functional programming language (suitable for education of functional programming)
Vedúci:RNDr. Richard Ostertág PhD.
Kµúčové slová:programming language, functional programming, vertical code, side-effects, side-effect interpreters, function overloading, λ-calculus
Abstrakt:In this thesis, we introduce a new purely functional programming language called Funky. The motivation for its creation arose from the joy experienced when playing with the pure λ-calculus and from the frustration with other functional languages. The result is a fairly unique language. It's simple enough to be learned in a matter of hours, while its subtle design choices make it very expressive. Most importantly, Funky's syntax makes it possible to write vertical code -- code that reads top to bottom, without introducing any major syntactic sugar (like Haskell's do notation), or violating functional purity. Funky's approach to side-effects is also one of its most distinguishing features. Instead of building side-effects into the language, Funky makes it possible to write custom side-effect interpreters, that take the Funky code as a data structure and interpret is in some way. This makes it possible to easily penetrate any programming domain simply by creating appropriate side-effect interpreters.

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