Meno: | Matej
Priezvisko: | Sládek
Názov: | Localization and mapping of interior and shared augmented reality
Vedúci: | Mgr. Vladimír Boľa, PhD.
Rok: | 2019
Kµúčové slová: | augmented reality, localization, mapping, SLAM, SfM, 3D
Abstrakt: | Using state-of-the-art free and open-sourced SLAM and SfM we build fully functional multiplayer shared augmented reality indoor experience. We keep track of all user locations and user-generated content in one global map on server shared with clients in real-time. This lays the foundation for any real application of shared augmented reality. Also we evaluate latency and accuracy and identify main bottlenecks and directions for improvements of such a system together with providing the number of debug tools like 3D visualizer of the global map detected features and real-time position of users and the content.