Názov:Multiple Alignment and Visualization of Nanopore Sequencing Signals
Vedúci:doc. Mgr. Tomáą Vinař, PhD.
Kµúčové slová:nanopore sequencing, dynamic time warping, multiple alignment
Abstrakt:Nanopore sequencing produces signals based on the underlying reference DNA. How- ever, there is a large variability in these signals and at the same time, each position is typically read several times. The standard approach to analyze these data is to trans- late each signal read into the DNA sequence. These sequences are aligned to each other to fix mistakes introduced in process of translation and to produce consensus sequence. Our approach is different. At first we align signals and produce one signal and then we translate it to the DNA sequence. We analyze multiple approaches to multiple signal alignment with the goal of producing one signal that will result in fewer translation mistakes.

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