Názov:Algorithm to determine the circular chromatic index of a cubic graph
Vedúci:doc. RNDr. Robert Luko»ka, PhD.
Kµúčové slová:circular chromatic index, balanced valuation flows, mixed integer linear programming
Abstrakt:A r-circular edge coloring of a graph G = (V, E) is a mapping c : E -> [0, r), where for any two adjacent vertices e1 and e2, 1 <= |c(e1) - c(e2)| <= r-1 and the circular chromatic index is the infimum over all r, such that G has a r-circular edge coloring. A circular r-flow is an asigning of an orientation and a flow function Phi: E -> [1, r - 1] to the graph, where the flow value of outgoing edges must be equal to the flow value of incoming edges for every vertex of the graph. There exists a duality between colorings and nowhere zero flows. This duality however, only exists on a plane. The concept of circular coloring is equivalent to r-tensions, that were defined by DeVos et al. The concept of tensions is dual to flows, in spaces other then a plane with added conditions to ensure the duality outside of a plane. For more effective encoding of conditions of a flow as a mixed linear program we will be using balanced valuations. We make use of the circular coloring r-tension duality to construct an algorithm that computes the circular chromatic index of a graph. We then compare the runtime of this algorithm to a trivial algorithm for computing circular chromatic index that uses mixed linear programming.

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