On page 11, the description for chapter 2 mentions "oompression"; the first letter should of course have been 'c'. On page 16, the caption of table 3.1 contains a footnote mark '1', but the footnote itself is incorrectly placed on the preceding page. On page 18, the text states "All we require is that obeys". It should be "All we require is that _it_ obeys". On page 18, instead of "each metric can be using", "each metric might be using" is preferred. On page 19, the 'compression gain' and 'efficiency' table entries each are followed by a redundant digit (due to footnote rendering issues). On page 19, Tab 4.1, in the definition for 'bits per character', the input character set 'L' should have been labeled by a less misleading letter. On page 19, Tab 4.2, int the definition for Bergmans' efficiency (3), the equation S_o = min {s_i_o} representing the minimum over all output sizes is not written clearly. On page 23, two footnotes are numbered 3,3 when it should be 2,3. On page 24, it is stated that "we maintained the convention of using the compression time metric". The end should instead be "compressed size metric", since this is what the referenced text actually used.