Meno: | Juraj
Priezvisko: | Vašut
Názov: | Machine learning methods for plasmid recognition in bacterial genome assemblies
Vedúci: | doc. Mgr. Bronislava Brejová, PhD.
Rok: | 2024
Kľúčové slová: | plasmid, binning, classification, clustering, bacterial genome
Abstrakt: | Plasmids significantly contribute to an increase in antibiotic resistance. This property makes them an interesting research subject. However, the problem of identification of which molecule a contig belongs to remains difficult. In this thesis, we introduce our approach to contig binning. This approach uses information in an assembly graph to classify pairs of contigs based on if they belong to the same molecule followed by clustering of contigs into individual molecules. This approach results in groups of contigs belonging to either plasmids or chromosomes.