Meno: | Bohdan |
Priezvisko: | Jóľa |
Názov: | Edge colouring of signed cubic graphs |
Vedúci: | doc. RNDr. Robert Luko»ka, PhD. |
Rok: | 2024 |
Kµúčové slová: | signed graph, cubic graph, edge coloring, snark, generating non-equivalent graphs |
Abstrakt: | Signed graphs were invented by Frank Harary in 1953 as a model for studying social networks but the problem of coloring was not explored until 1982 when Thomas Zaslavsky published his first results. However, much of the graph theory fundamentals was not established until recently. In this thesis we continue the research of 3-edge-colorability of signed graphs. We present an algorithm that generates non-equivalent signed graphs that are not 3-edge-colorable along with its results and preliminary analysis. |
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